Wednesday, 28 August 2019

How To Run Old Versions Of Internet Explorer In Windows 10?

At the present time, few organizations still have old websites which do not work the way they should in newer web browsers. It is worth noting that Windows 10 till now has Internet Explorer 11. I suggest you not to use Internet Explorer whenever you have a choice. The major reason behind it is that it has become outdated with time. IE does not come with sophisticated features and is not too secure. Hence, use it only when absolutely necessary. However, at times you may have to use Internet Explorer to open outdated and old web pages.
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The Method Of Opening A Web Page In Internet Explorer From Edge
Note: The users of Microsoft Edge can visit the web pages in Internet Explorer whenever required.
  1. Firstly, go to menu.
  2. Then, press on More Tools.
  3. After that, Open by Internet Explorer.
  4. Lastly, observe that Edge shall start Internet Explorer and you will be able to view the present web page.
The Method Of Launching Internet Explorer On Windows 10
Always remember that it is not compulsory to use Edge for launching Internet Explorer. Basically Internet Explorer can be launched and used normally. In Windows 10, for launching Internet Explorer you need to do the following:
  1. Firstly, press the Start option.
  2. Then, look for Internet Explorer.
  3. After that, click on Enter. Alternatively, you can click on the Internet Explorer shortcut.
  4. Next, by chance if you use Internet Explorer many times- In such cases you want to put it to the taskbar, make a tile of it on the Start menu of the computer or make a desktop shortcut.
  5. There is nothing to panic about if you are not able to see IE in the Start menu of the system. The feature might have been removed.
  6. Go to Control Panel.
  7. Then, press on Programs.
  8. Next, put Windows features either on or off.
  9. Lastly, make sure that IE 11 has been ticked in the given list of features and press OK.
More to Read
The Method Of Automatically Opening Particular Websites In IE
It is worth noting that for system administrators, Windows 10 provides a special mode known as ‘Enterprise Mode’ feature. Basically the users can put  number of websites to the Enterprise Mode list. Observe that whenever the users go to a website on the list in Microsoft Edge, Edge by default launches that web page in Internet Explorer 11.
Billy Mark  is a creative person who has been writing blogs and articles about cyber security. He writes about the latest updates regarding and how it can improve the work experience of users. His articles have been published in many popular e-magazines, blogs and websites.

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