Apex Legends is an immerging free to play battle royale style online shooter game, which earns money through microtransactions made by players.
Also, Apex Legends has a loot box system which prevents players from accessing a few items until they find them in the box. Although it is said to be controversial tactics to obtain money from players still many other titles like Fortnite and PUBG also follow these means to earn money.
Apex Legends provide gamers with a decent amount of loot boxes. Still, many fans feel disheartened as these boxes are the only means to receive the most popular weapon in the game.
Wraith’s Heirloom Knife can only be unlocked by opening up Loot Boxes. This weapon of choice is also named Kunai, and it is not available in the game until you unlock it by opening up the Loot Box.
Although Respawn has also included the feature of crafting items by using the crafting metals, unfortunately, the knife cannot be forged and the only option to unlock this weapon is by opening up Loot Boxes.
Players can receive Loot Boxes by leveling up the tire or by purchasing the Loot Box from the store. To acquire Loot Box players have to spend the Apex Legends in-game currency through microtransactions.
It is uncertain how many Loot Boxes would be required to unlock the Wraith Knife, as the resources in the box are entirely random and instead the luck factor is needed to unlock the weapon in few tries.
A rough estimate suggests that gamers would require to open about 500 Loot Boxes in order to unlock the weapon, but it is your luck factor that comes into action, you may possibly receive it in your first few tries.
Currently, Wraith is the only avatar in the title who has new cosmetic to himself, as Wraith is a single character who can bestow the Heirloom Knife. Still, it is expected that eventually, other avatars would also receive their unique items to carry alongside in the match.
Apex Legends has successfully crossed the 25 million player mark and this confirms that the title is well known worldwide and gamers are eventually getting indulged in the game.
Surely Respawn won’t let this golden egg slip through its hands, and would make a solid effort in including new content for players to enjoy and stick with the title. Let’s see what future plans the developers at Respawn have to improve on the in-game experience for players.
Billy Mark is a Microsoft Office expert and has been working in the technical industry since 2002. As a technical expert, Billy has written technical blogs, manuals, white papers, and reviews for many websites such as office.com/setup.
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