Pokemon GO recently ended its ongoing February 2019 Swinub Community Day event, which turned out to be a massive success.
With the end of Community Day event, Pokemon trainers are now preparing for the upcoming Clamperl Limited Time Research event, still many enthusiastic players are speculating about the new 2019 March Community Day event.
Earlier Niantic used to inform players a day or two prior to any release of an event, but now developers at Niantic are shifting this trend by providing players with ample time to prepare for the events.
Still, this shift in trend does not imply for the Pokemon selection, and possibly trainers may expect to experience the Treecko for the 2019 March Community Day event.
The Pokemon GO alternatively features starter and non-starter Pokemon for the community day event. Observing this pattern from past community day events, players can expect the inclusion of gen three starters now.
If such pattern continues, soon Niantic will run out of Pokemon to include in the title until the coming 2020. And if the developers also decided to include generation five Pokemon, then it would mostly last till the mid 2020s as they will run out of Pokemon to incorporate into the title.
Observing the ongoing inclusion of left out gen 3 and 2 Pokemon, many trainers are speculating that the next Pokemon for the Community Day Event would be the Treecko.
Many pro players have noticed a shift in ongoing norms of Niantic as recently trainers were allowed to participate in the Eevee Community Day event which lasted for a complete weekend. The Eevee community day event also broke the common three stage evolution as compared to other challenges.
Also recently players got to experience the generation four cross evolution in the shiny Swinub event, where trainer got to add and evolve this cute monster into a generation four Mamoswine.
It is also possible that Nintendo chooses to include generation four Pokemon for trainers as recently players also had an opportunity to grab onto Sinnoh Stones which are quite rare in the game.
Also, it is expected that the next Community Day event may be released for trainers from March 9 or possibly March 16th, by considering the on rotation trend in the game. Let’s see what more Niantic has planned for Pokemon GO for the future as trainers are quite enjoying different Raid and Battle events.
Billy Mark is a Microsoft Office expert and has been working in the technical industry since 2002. As a technical expert, Billy has written technical blogs, manuals, white papers, and reviews for many websites such as office.com/setup.